Choreography Alchemist, LLC

A Company by Lormarev Jones

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About Lormarev 

Lormarev Jones is an interdisciplinary theatre artist and educator who works throughout the South and Midwest. Lormarev is skilled in directing, choreography and movement, solo performance, sound design, puppeteering, and teaching young people to foster their creative voices. Lormarev received her undergraduate education from Meredith College (Raleigh, NC) and her MFA in Theatre from Sarah Lawrence College. She is drawn to new and original works with interdisciplinary components. In 2023, she became certified in Intimacy for Live Performances through IDC - Intimacy Directors and Coordinators. When not on stage, you can find her drinking water, analyzing a Colin Firth film, or recreating Star Trek stills.

Previous Work

She Does It All

Solo Performance &

Original Work

Lormarev's multi-disciplinary approach to making theatre is seen most notably in her work as a solo performance artist. In addition to being an actor, she specialized in solo performance plays, which are most notably written by her.

The Virgin Cookbook, her MFA thesis, was performed at Sarah Lawrence Theatre. My Geriatric Uterus premiered at the 2019 Cincinnati Fringe Festival and was the winner of the David C. Herriman Artists’ Pick of the Fringe.

Solo Work

Wanna Learn More?

Listen to Lormarev talk about her work and creative process as she speaks with Tamara Kissane of the Artist Soapbox Podcast. Lormarev was a featured guest on Episode 24 where she discussed her creative work, self care, and hustle culture. She was also a featured guest on Episode 100 where she talked about her solo puppet musical My Geriatric Uterus - from conception to performance.

Listen today!

Send Her A Message

Are you interested in working with Lormarev? Do you want to learn more about her work? Or maybe you want to know about those Star Trek stills? Send her a message today! Lormarev is available to freelance shows, teach a workshop, and more!

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